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Best Type of Floor for a Rabbit Enclosure

Best Type of Floor for a Rabbit Enclosure

Rabbits make excellent indoor pets. They are affectionate creatures who are highly trainable and are naturally clean; however, this does not imply that they are low maintenance. Rabbits necessitate a great deal of care and attention. A rabbit alone indoors can cause havoc, so they should be kept in an appropriate enclosure that meets all their needs. This article will discuss the best type of floor for a rabbit enclosure.

It is absolutely essential that you choose the best floor for your rabbit’s enclosure. The flooring affects your rabbit’s comfort and how easily the enclosure can be cleaned. There are various flooring options for rabbit enclosures, and we will discuss them all in this article.

Best Type of Floor for a Rabbit Enclosure

The best type of floor for a rabbit enclosure is rugs, carpets, and blankets. If your rabbit chews on these, you should try vinyl flooring.

Rugs and Carpets– Cheapest and easiest

floor for a rabbit enclosure

Rugs and carpets are an excellent choice for a rabbit enclosure floor. Not only is it very cheap, but it is also very comfortable for your rabbits.

Additionally, rabbits have a good grip on rugs and carpets, so they are less likely to get hurt than slipping on other types of flooring. The only downside is that some rabbits will chew on rugs and carpets. If this is the case, you may need to try something else.

In terms of cleaning, it depends on the type of rug/carpet. While some can go in washing machines, others cannot.

If you want something really easy to clean, you can consider this dog mat that can be thrown in the washing machine.

Another great option are these washable play pads that have a soft covering on top of them. Not only is this comfortable for your rabbit, but it can also help keep them warm.


blankets for rabbit floor

Blankets are another great option for rabbit enclosure flooring. You can either put the blankets on top of the floor or on top of rugs and carpets. Blankets provide a nice soft cushion that will be comfortable for your rabbit. They also help clean your rabbits feet to prevent yellow feet.

The biggest downside is that blankets are a little harder to maintain because they retain the smell of bad odors. You will likely need to was the blankets more frequently than rugs.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is a low-cost and popular option for rabbit enclosures. I suggest using vinyl flooring if your rabbits have a problem with chewing on rugs and blankets. They are much easier to clean.

The main downside of vinyl is that they can be slippery for your rabbit, so you might need to put another material on top of it. Additionally, it might not be as comfortable for your rabbit.

Linoleum Flooring

Linoleum flooring is similar to vinyl flooring. It is a low-cost and popular option that is also simple to clean. While it might provide more grip for your rabbit, it is usually a little more expensive than vinyl flooring.  

Play Mats

Playmats are another great option for rabbit flooring. They are cheap, soft, and easy to clean. They are also easy to cut and shape.

Horse Stall Mats

If you have an outdoor rabbit enclosure, you might want to look into horse stall mats. They are a little more firm than play mats, and are more weather resistant.

Hay and Grass Mats

Hay and grass mats are great for rabbits that chew a lot. This is usually used for small indoor rabbit enclosures, but they can be used for bigger ones.

This will give your rabbit plenty of opportunity to chew on stuff. However, you will need to replace and add the straw/grass every couple of days.

How to choose flooring for your rabbit

Now, consider the following factors when deciding on the best type of flooring for your rabbit enclosure:

  • Non-slip and comfortable – The best flooring allows your rabbit to play and hop around freely. Many rabbits feel unsafe on slippery surfaces, so make sure the material you choose has enough grip.
  • Simple to clean – Cleaning a rabbit enclosure can be time-consuming. Flooring that is easy to clean can save you a lot of time and is a great option.
  • Not chewable – You want to make sure that your rabbit doesn’t chew on its floor, unless it is grass or hay.
  • Free from harmful materials – When selecting a floor, ensure it is safe for your rabbit. Check that it is not made of harmful materials and has no sharp edges. This is especially important if your rabbit chews a lot, as they may swallow toxic materials from the flooring. There are some types of rubber that are toxic for rabbits.


The right flooring can significantly improve your rabbit’s well-being and comfort in its home. Vinyl or linoleum flooring and carpet or rugs remain the most popular types of flooring. There is no BEST type of flooring because it is determined by your budget, situation, and preferences. Regardless, I hope this article has aided you in determining the best type of floor for a rabbit enclosure. Good luck!