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Can Rabbits Eat Bindweed?

can rabbits eat bindweed

I am frequently asked what sort of vegetables you can feed to your rabbit. As you probably already know, a wide range of vegetables is essential for your rabbits diet. However, it can be tough to figure out which vegetables are healthy and safe for your rabbit. In today’s article, I will explain whether or not rabbits can eat bindweed.

Can Rabbits Eat Bindweed?

Yes, rabbits can eat bindweed. However, it is only safe for them to have certain types of Bindweed, such as Hedge bindweed.

When you feed your rabbit hedge bindweed, you should only give them the leaves or vines. You should not feed your rabbit any bindweed seeds or roots, as they can cause your rabbit to choke. Bindweed seeds also contain a small concentration of hallucinogens, which is another reason you shouldn’t give them to your rabbit.

I have also heard of people that feed their rabbit field bindweed. While they say their rabbit remains healthy, I would only feed a rabbit field bindweed in moderation.

It is important that you are aware of the type of bindweed that you feed your rabbit.

Hedge Bindweed

bindweed for rabbits

Hedge bindweed has big white flowers that grow vertically. These weeds usually twine around plants in a counter-clockwise direction. They can reach a length of up to 13 feet. As the name suggests, they are mostly found in hedges, but can also be found in open fields or along roads.

Field Bindweed

field bindweed for rabbits

Similar to hedge bindweed, field bindweed commonly sprouts a white flower. However, it is not uncommon for field bindweeds to have a pinkish flower. They usually only reach a length of 7 feet, and also spiral around bigger plants or trees. They are frequently found in farmland, along roads, in grass pastures, and along bodies of water.

If you are looking for cheap ways to feed your rabbit, I recommend this plant blend.

How to feed your rabbit bindweed?

While you are supposed to give your rabbit around two cups of fresh vegetables daily, I suggest starting with a much smaller quantity of bindweed. This is because rabbits have relatively sensitive stomachs, and adding something new to their diet might upset their digestive system.

It is very important that you don’t take any bindweed from an area that has been exposed to fertilizer. Even a small amount of fertilizer can be deadly for a rabbit.

It is important that you keep a close eye on your rabbit the first couple of times you give it to them. Watch closely for any changes in behavior, or signs of improper digestion such as diarrhea.

It is also important that you have a clean bowl of water around when you feed your rabbit bindweed.

Is bindweed healthy for rabbits?

Similar to Creeping Charlie, bindweed does not offer many health benefits for rabbits. There are plenty of other vegetables, such as spinach, mustard greens, and broccoli, that are more beneficial.

For this reason, I suggest that you don’t feed your rabbit bindweed since there are better, healthier options. Additionally, if your rabbit eats too much bindweed, it could make them sick. That being said, there is no need to freak out if your bunny accidently ate a small quantity of bindweed.