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Do Bunnies Like the Dark?

Do Bunnies Like the Dark

Do bunnies like the dark? It’s a question that many bunny owners have asked themselves. After all, bunnies are small, timid creatures that are often scared of loud noises and sudden movements. So, it’s understandable why some people might think that bunnies don’t like the dark.

Do bunnies like the dark

Most bunnies like the dark. This is because bunnies are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk.

During these times, the light is dim and the environment is quiet, which is why bunnies feel safe and secure in the dark.

The truth is, bunnies do not have a natural fear of the dark. In fact, they are quite comfortable in the dark and prefer to sleep in it.

Complete darkness

However, it’s important to note that most bunnies do not like complete darkness. They need some light to be able to see their surroundings and feel safe. If you keep your bunny in a completely dark room, they may become stressed and anxious.

This is especially true if there are a lot of sounds in their environment. It can stress them out because they can’t determine where the sounds are coming from, and don’t know if they represent a threat.

However, sometimes it is reccomended to keep sick bunnies in darker environments. This is a technique used to help treat floppy bunny syndrome.

What sort of light should you have for your pet bunny?

When it comes to lighting for pet bunnies, it is important to consider the type of lighting that will best suit their needs. Pet bunnies are naturally active during the day and need a good source of light to help them stay healthy and active. The type of lighting you choose for your pet bunny should provide enough light for them to see and move around, while also providing a comfortable environment for them to rest and relax.

Natural light

The most important factor to consider when choosing lighting for your pet bunny is the amount of natural light they will receive. Bunnies need at least 12 hours of natural light each day to stay healthy and active. If your bunny is kept indoors, you should provide them with a source of artificial light to supplement the natural light they receive. This can be done with a combination of fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, or with a full-spectrum light.

Full-spectrum lights

Full-spectrum lighting is the best option for pet bunnies, as it provides the most natural light. This lighting mimics the natural light of the sun, providing a balanced spectrum of light that is beneficial for your bunny’s health. Full-spectrum lighting also helps to reduce stress and anxiety in bunnies, as it provides a more natural environment for them to live in.

When choosing a full-spectrum light for your pet bunny, it is important to select one that is specifically designed for rabbits. These lights are usually labeled as “rabbit-safe” and are designed to provide the right amount of light for your bunny’s needs. It is also important to make sure that the light is not too bright, as this can cause discomfort and stress for your bunny.

Make sure that the light doesn’t overheat, as this can make your bunny’s ears hot.

In addition to full-spectrum lighting, you may also want to consider using a night light for your pet bunny. Night lights provide a low level of light that is enough for your bunny to see, but not too bright to cause discomfort. This type of lighting is especially beneficial for bunnies that are kept in cages, as it can help them feel more secure and comfortable in their environment.

However, since bunnies are not scared of the dark, it’s totally fine if they don’t have a light at night.

Keep it dark for them to sleep

It’s also important to note that most bunnies prefer a dark place to sleep. This is because bunnies are prey animals and need a safe place to hide from potential predators. If you keep your bunny in a brightly lit room, they may not feel safe enough to sleep.

You can help your bunny feel more comfortable by adding hiding spots in their rabbit enclosure.


In conclusion, bunnies do not have a natural fear of the dark. In fact, they are quite comfortable in the dark and can even sleep in it. However, it’s important to provide some light for your bunny and to give them a dark place to sleep. This will help them feel safe and secure in their environment.