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How to Treat Floppy Bunny Syndrome at Home

How to Treat Floppy Bunny Syndrome at Home

As a loving pet owner, witnessing your beloved bunny suffer from floppy bunny syndrome can be an incredibly distressing experience. Also known as head tilt or wry neck, this ailment can afflict rabbits of all ages and breeds and stems from an inner ear bacterial infection. In today’s article I will give some tips on how to treat floppy bunny syndrome at home.

What are the symptoms?

Some of the main symptoms of floppy bunny syndrome are a tilt of the head, loss of balance, difficulty walking, loss of appetite, and in extreme cases, seizures.

While seeking professional veterinary care is crucial, there are a few ways that you can try to treat floppy bunny syndrome at home.

How to treat floppy bunny syndrome at home?

To treat floppy bunny syndrome at home, you should create a comfortable environment, administer food/water through a syringe, and provide medication.

While floppy bunny syndrome can be fatal, with the proper care and medication, your bunny could make a recovery in as little as 2-7 days.

Create a calm and comfortable environment

As rabbits with floppy bunny syndrome can experience disorientation and stress, it is essential to provide a serene and safe environment to aid their recovery. You might want to consider providing a quiet, separate room or enclosure that can offer a haven of rest without any interruptions.

Consider adding soft bedding or blankets to their space to help them feel secure. Covering part of the enclosure with a blanket or towel can also create a dark, cozy area that your bunny can relax in. I also recommend providing a soft floor for your rabbit enclosure.

Some experts recommend wrapping the bunny up in a warm towel. You should try to make sure that your bunny is rested on it’s chest and not on the side.

Diet and hydration

Ensure your bunny has access to fresh hay and water. However, as mentioned above, your bunny might stop eating. If your bunny is having difficulty eating or drinking, syringe feeding may be necessary to ensure they get the necessary nutrients.

To syringe-feed your bunny, blend some high-quality hay or pelleted food with water to form a liquid food solution. Use a syringe without a needle to feed your bunny carefully, ensuring you don’t force too much food into their mouth. You can watch some videos on YouTube to help walk you through the process.

I also recommend this critical care food solution that is designed specifically for rabbits that are not eating. It is high in fiber and also has a lot of important vitamins.

You should also use a syringe to hydrate your rabbit if they aren’t drinking on their own.


Since floppy bunny syndrome is cause by a bacterial infection, a vet would typically treat it with an antibiotic as well as some anti-inflammatory and pain relief medications. If you are unable to go to the vet, you can try some of these medication below:

HomeoPet Joint Stress

This medication helps relieve joint pain that your bunny might develop from floppy bunny syndrome.

Natural antibiotic pet supplement

This was the only over the counter antibiotic that I could find for rabbits. I haven’t used it before, but if you don’t have any other options it might be worth a shot.

Lastly, you rabbit might develop digestion/GI tract issues. To help aid their digestion, you can check out this gut health supplement that is designed specifically for rabbits.

Probiotic gut health for rabbits

As another reminder, it is best if you are able to go to a vet and have them prescribe the medication.

Offer additional supportive care

Apart from medication, there are a few other ways you can provide supportive care to aid your bunny’s recovery.

Regular grooming

Your bunny may also require assistance with grooming if they are having trouble moving around. Use a soft brush to groom your bunny’s fur gently, and clean their ears and eyes as needed.

Monitor your bunny’s symptoms

While your bunny recovers from floppy bunny syndrome, it is vital to keep an eye on their symptoms. If you notice any changes or worsening of symptoms, notify your vet immediately.

Floppy bunny syndrome has similar symptoms to other pet bunny diseases. so it’s important to consult a vet to make sure your properly diagnose your rabbit’s condition.

Take preventive measures

Once your bunny recovers from floppy bunny syndrome, it is essential to take steps to prevent future infections. Ensure your bunny’s enclosure remains clean and free from feces, as bacteria thrive in dirty environments.

You might also consider incorporating probiotics into your bunny’s diet to promote healthy gut flora. Consult with your vet to find a safe and high-quality probiotic supplement for rabbits.

In conclusion, floppy bunny syndrome can be a distressing ailment for pet owners. However, with prompt veterinary care and supportive home care, your bunny can recover from this condition and go on to lead a happy and healthy life.