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Why Are My Pet Bunny’s Ears Hot?

Why Are My Pet Bunny’s Ears Hot

Whether you are a first time bunny owner or have kept them for years, you may still be learning new surprising things about your pet rabbit. Something that tends to confuse or even alarm bunny owners is when they notice that their ears feel rather hot. In many species, this will indicate that they have a fever or are overheated, but what does it mean for a bunny?

Why Are My Pet Bunny’s Ears Hot?

The main reason why bunnies get warm ears is because it is how they regulate their body temperature. Therefore, most of the time there is no need to worry.

However, if your bunny has warm ears accompanied with strange changes in behavior, this could be a sign that they have a fever or some other kind of illness. Some changes in behavior that might be a sign that your bunny is sick include:

  • changes in appetite
  • less movement
  • excessive chewing
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • difficulty breathing

How Bunnies Regulate Body Temperature

Much like cats and dogs, bunnies do not have the ability to sweat. Dogs will expel heat mainly through panting and even cats do this as well. This is not the same for bunnies.

Most of their body temperature is regulated through their ears using very large blood vessels. These blood vessels will contract and expand quickly to both release and maintain warmth. This is why you may notice your bunny’s ears feeling hot from time to time.

What Temperature Is Considered Normal for a Bunny?

While bunnies do regulate their body temperature through their ears, they can be too hot which can indicate an illness or medical issue. What is considered a normal body temperature for rabbits is roughly 101°F to 103°F.

This temperature can only be checked via a thermometer inserted into the rectum of the bunny. It is best to have a vet do this for you. There is no way of checking a bunny’s temperature by touch alone. If you suspect that your bunny is running too hot, consider taking them to a vet to get checked just to be sure nothing is wrong.

Related article: How often should I clean my rabbit’s ears?

Signs that your Bunny has a Fever

Outside of the bunny’s ears feeling much warmer than normal, there are signs to consider that something might be wrong. You need to observe your bunny’s physical behavior, eating habits, and how long they are laying in place.

What you will need to look for is sudden lethargy, not wanting to eat or drink, and just general unhappy characteristics not normal for your bunny. If your bunny’s ears are warmer than normal and they are showing mental, physical, or eating changes then a trip to the vet is best to rule out any minor or major medical issues such as floppy bunny syndrome.

You can help prevent your bunny from getting a fever by making sure you have the best floor for your rabbit enclosure.

Why Are My Bunny’s Ears Cold?

When a rabbit’s ears feel cold, it is usually not something you need to be concerned with. It’s fairly normal for a bunny to have ears that feel cold when they are not expelling heat. You will notice this more in the winter and cooler months when your bunny is trying to conserve heat rather than expel it.

That being said, it is still very important that you regulate the temperature in the room where there enclosure is. While there is no perfect temperature, you should try to keep their room between 55 and 70 degrees fahrenheight.

Also, to help prevent them from getting to cold, you should make sure that your bunny has access to blankets in their indoor enclosure.

If your rabbit is too cold for too long, it can lead to hypothermia, which can be fatal.